Panchakarma therapy can help with number of health issues, including digestive disorders (MAND AGNI) chronic pain, (VAT DOSHA)
anxiety, depression, skin ailments, skin detoxification
,dryness, psoriasis. It can also improve the immune system, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being.
The five elements from which our body is made of that is earth, water, fire, air and Akasha needs to balance time by time. These tatvas have three configurations Vaat , pitaj and Kafaj. To understand the love nature and to balance this elements in our body there is a project called Panchkarma. This Panch Karma stimulate the energy and complete detoxify deep tissue of our body becoming baby like skin and body just like a newborn baby.
The strongest element of our body is Prithvi that is mass , every part of our body is made up of three configurations. Those also need to balance with these Karmas. The Agni element helps to mobility and digestive system balancing. The another major element is water that is blood , lymphatic drainage, plasma, every molecular structure to bind is made up of water component. Air element is present in our upper respiratory track majorly that revolves carbon dioxide oxygen, every gases which are present in our body contains a air element. And in the last Aakasha means space, space through arteries and veins, drainages intestine, and in our bone marrow.
So the combination of five elements body needs. Sudhi means detox time by time to purify all dead skin cells..
Who can get Panch Karma done
The human system is like a doorway . We take things through our body and we drain it with a time but what happened since our birth we are certain with the same routine.
anchkarma method of cleansing. The body is unique in the sense that it includes preventive curative promotive techniques for various diseases that brings equilibrium through the body.
When Doshas three configurations are disturbed
I want our system metabolic system and nutritive system. Keep the body healthy whenever something mishap in it delegates the system of the body and disturb one of the doshas . Let’s say if Agnee Dosa disturb the whole metabolism system comes down. And problems such as Manda Agni , indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome Ajirna , gastritis, mouth, ulcers, develop.
In brief, we are giving description about the Panch Karma
It has three stops in it
First is Poorva karma (pre)
Second is Pradhan karma (major)
Third is paschat karma (after care)
In first part we do oil, therapy, externally and internally. That accumulate the all poisonous substances from from the body and collect into the Koshth means in stomach .
In second part that is main procedure would decide according to the disease which Karam is best. When the waste toxin is thrown out from the body via Vaman vomiting or by virechan .
The after care or the post therapy is according to the body condition. The regime is set by the doctor. light and small quantity food is given to the patient to stabilise the Agnee and stimulate digestive actions.
The Shodhan and Shaman Karam is done under professional doctor.